For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
Our ministry provides opportunities to get involved in the church and the community. Our community partners always have need of volunteers to give their time and/or skill set. Over the years, we have served the homeless, substance abusers, prisoners and their families, and our church neighborhood. In the past, we have been a place for court appointed community service. Always leading with the name of our church as a mandate to "Reach Out And Deliver". We understand Jesus is our greatest example of what a servant looks like and teaches us how to serve others. Thus, we're always looking for people with a servants heart to advance the Kingdom of God.

Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer?
Volunteers complete the sign-up form in order to serve in any area of ministry. We have opportunities to serve locally and with our Online Campus. Our Volunteer Outreach Team will contact volunteers with further information.
How do I volunteer with Youth?
Our youth ministry includes: our children and students, ages 4-17. Volunteers are required to receive a clearance from the State to work with children. Upon clearance, volunteers are assigned based on interest and gifts.
How do I volunteer with music?
Our music department includes the band, praise & worship, sound, and production. Auditions are required for those interested in music or singing, to assure proper skill sets.
Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
Our ministry offers several opportunities to utilize your gifts and talents. You can learn skills and sharpen areas where you may need a little assistance. Gain knowledge and build relationships by serving with others.